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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feeling a bit crook today

I went for a walk this morning and ate a "local" style eatery. The first one I rejected because I saw the girl at the food bar pick her nose and roll her booty into a ball between thumb and forefinger. The place I chose was full of Vietnamese locals all eating the one dish that was the specialty. I'll stick to the more expensive places in future.

Last night
T had a 4 person "ladies" night with champagne, wine and lots of beautiful cheeses. Another teacher and I got a cab together, intending that it drop her off near her home, and then take me into old area where I live. We didn't see any MaiLinh cabs (recommended company) so we took one of the many others that were stopping to vie for our trade. Well the guy in the cab wanted 3 times the normal fare, and C. insisted he switch on his meter. He was a bit strange, and then a few mintues later C. told hom to stop and let her out near to where she lived, so I got out too. Boy was he angry; he was swearing at us and saying that he did us a favour by picking us up, and that he was a good man and we were bad people. So, I think it was a good call to get out when we did.

We walked on a bit past the Australian Embassy where there were a lot of MaiLinh cabs across the road. I took one of these homes. And it did cost only a third of what the other nasty cab driver wanted. Of course though, after I got out of the taxi, I walked up my street in the wrong direction, and was wondering where the hell I was, until realised I was in my own street but at the wrong end.

This morning again
I bought some more credit for my phone from a lovely old lady in a shop. I couldn't read how to put the credit on my phone, and neither could she. My eyesight is either incredibly bad, or it was printed in very small print. I'm told the cards are printed with English and Vietnamese instructions - I couln't tell either way. Anyway, the old woman got a young security man outside to put the credit on my phone. Then he turned the card over and looked at how much credit I'd bought. He was taken aback at the high amount of money. I felt embarrassed. It was only $15 worth, but it's a lot here!!!

Yesterday I was hassled by the same a pregnant woman selling T-shirts who usually likes to hassle me. We were getting near to my alleyway entrance and I didn't want her to know where I lived, so I ducked into this relatively expensive hotel to get away from her. I bought a banana smoothie there for $5; they are usually only about $1. Probably would have been cheaper to have bought the T-shirt from her. Below is the restaurant in the hotel.

Then I noticed that the glass floor had fish under it, which were congregating in an open area where they were probably fed.

Some photos of a noodle making enterprise in the street that runs parallel to Hang Dao.

Scenes as I was walking to T's apartment yesterday.

Walking to school. The school is across the road (polics monitor this road so it's easier to cross). However motorbikes use the footpath to get to the front of the traffic queue; giving pedestrains a fright as they pass.

I can hear drums and whistles out in the street; maybe a parade??? Can I be bothered to go out and look? take a video??

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming home from work

I seem to have worked out how to get to work on the buses ok. however, coming home is always an adventure. I was told NOT to catcha no. 9 bus home, although this is the one I take to work in the morning. So I purposely caught one tonight. It was great. I wrote down the name of every street we went down; this amused an old man who got on after me, and he laughed and told me the names of all the streets and pointed out the hotels and tourist spots. So that was fun. And it let me off a block from Lake Hoan Kiem, which was also good. Had a lovely dinner of green mango salad and french past with cream, mushrooms, butter and spring onions.

Below are little mini-movies I made while walking home from my bus stop last Monday 13 Sep 2010.

What's on in Hanoi? Lots, it appears.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The end of the first "Teaching" week and the second "Living Here" week

The staffroom has an air of excited exhuberance - it is Friday!!!

I am teaching a class of 12 students at about (IELTS) Level 6 who should come out with an IELTS score of 6.5 at the end of 10 weeks. I teach the class 3 days a week, and a co-teacher teaches them the other 2 days, i.e. teachers teach for 5 days but have two classes. Usually a teacher has a main class from Monday to Wednesday and then co-teaches a different class from Thursday to Friday, completing material not covered by the first teacher, or revising work;

I have been lucky enough to have been allocated a place on a special projects team with three other people to develop PD for teachers and extra curricula programs for students on the final two days - which I am very thankful for. I hope this special projects thing turns out to be a fantastic experience, but we don't seem to have progressed at all over the past two days (it's difficult, I think, because we don't really know each other).

Getting to work

I catch the number 9 bus to work fom the terminal which is just down the road from Hang Dao. I must be careful because there seem to be three different routes the bus could take - BoHo/Cai Giai (or something like that)/BoHo is the one I want. If it has "C.V." in the middle bit, then it will go all over the city for an hour (at least based on the one I caught.

The bus terminal where I catch the No. 9 bus BoHo/Cau Gay/BoHo to work.

The bus fare within city limits is VND 3000 (Aussie dollars? A bit less than 17 cents, but more than 16 cents)

The journey on the no. 9 bus travelling to work

Question: Which way is the traffic going?
Answer below

Answer: Every way!

A very short movie takenfrom inside the No. 9 bus (it works with RealPlayer - I'm not sure about other programs)

View from ESL staffroom on floor 8

Lunch on Kim Ma Street

There are lots of Korean and Japanese restaurants around Kim Ma because the Embassys are also around here.

The Tokyo Restaurant

E, one of the new teachers who arrived when I did, inside one of the Tokyo Restaurant's private dining rooms.

A, another of the new teachers who arrived when I did, leaving the Tokyo restaurant.

Nguyen Son French Bakery and Restaurant on Kim Ma Street

Nguyen Son has extremely delicious and fresh tofu dishes, which with a juice, cost about $3.60 a meal. I have started going there everyday for lunch. They alsio have french pastries and chocolates in their shop downstairs. I haven't tried those yet.

Vegetarian tourist food in the old area near where I live

A vegetarian meal of pretend (soy) fish, vegetables, and rice; a glass of passionfruit juice; and a gin and tonic: Total cost VND64,000 i.e. approx. AU $3.60.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My first couple of days at work

Sorry guys - I'm exhausted. I'm going to copy emails I sent to a couple people into this blog. You may have noticed I've been supplementing some of my writing with these said emails.

Below: An exhange between me and a young Vietnamese woman who works around the corner in a local hotel. She's studying Tourism at College and promised to meet up with her for coffee she can practice English; she seems like a lovely girl.

Good afternoon Madam,

Have a nice day to you. Have you finished your jobs and comeback.I will fell when You have time to write email or talk with me by telephone. I don't know why I have strong expression with you in the first time when our hotel welcome you from Morning star hotel. however I fell bored because you don't stay our hotel along time for me have a chance to talk you so much. But I also fell happy when you can rent a apartment.

Today, I want to write email with you to share and talk you.I am happy when seeing you in the next time. Any when I & you have free time, Can I meet you to talk?

Nowadays, I am a student. In this time, i know you. That is a good chance for me because when talk with you by speaking English .I will learn so much.

I know that, My English is not good.So you can help me, please

Thank so much

Dear Bac,

I hope you had a good day at work too. You said, in a text message, that you had a problem with a guest at the hotel; I hope that everything is alright now.

I start work at around 7:30 AM and finish at 6:00 PM, but I stay until 8 PM because I usually have extra work to do. It will become easier for me when I have been working there a bit longer. I teach in the aternoon between 1:30 and 6:00 but I have other jobs to do such as preparing for the next class, marking essays, and helping people in the library when they are working on assignments.

I got home tonight at 10 PM and I have very sore feet. I caught the 34 bus from work to go home tonight. It stops at the bottom of Lake Hoan Kiem. But when I got off the bus, I walked in the wrong direction for half an hour befor I realised. So I had to turn around and walk all the way back, and then walk along the lake until I came to Hang Dao. However I saw new shops and places I'd like to visit later on, so it was a learning experience for me.

Maybe we can meet on Saturday or Sunday? If you are busy we can meet the following week.

Best Wishes


What does this mean? I'll have a whinge to anyone that listens - (insert smiley face)

Email to W, E and H - ok yes, another whinge.

I haven't found a large supermarket yet., but the small ones don't sell hair conditioner. I did find some in a very small supermarket up the road; but it gradually turns your hair black. I tried it this morning as I've almost run out of my little mini packs of conditioner I brought with me. I thought the change would be unnoticable, and it probably is, but I can see a slightly different colour - I'll have to be careful. Do you know if they use dangerous stuff in these?

Kids, you'll love it here. I got home at around 7 PM after doing lesson plans at uni all day yesterday; I had to fight my way through the night market to get home. It's a bit like living in the middle of the night market in China Town near Darling Harbour, except this one is much, much bigger, and hundreds more people.

Lova ya all

Thanks W,

Don't worry about sending some - I'll find some when I find the big supermarkets. There's an undercover market down the road which might have some, but I'm not home during sensible daylight hours. Maybe on the weekend. I have a couple of Vietnamese friends - young women who want to practice their English. Maybe I could ask them to go shopping with me. I don't have a towel yet either. Just as well it's hot. I have to be careful not to slip on the shiny tiled floors though.

I shall look for those food shops you mentioned. I'm on a forced diet here at the moment. I don't have time to eat in the morning as I have to be at work by 7:30 AM, so I get something mid morning; then tonight I taught until 6 PM, adn left work at 8 PM (trying to get ready for tomorrow); caught a bus, got off and walked for at least half an hour in the opposite direction before I realised. I got home at 10 PM. But I lknow wher to buy a printer now; and a vesper, and those Chinese celebration cakes.

Email to K in Victoria
Hi K lovely to get your email. First day at work!!! Well, yesterday - Sunday; I spent 8 hours there trying to read up on all the bits of information about what is expected on the program; then today I left home at 7 AM and got to work at 7:45 AM; then didn't leave until 8 PM. I got lost, so I didn't get home until 10 PM. All I've eaten today are 2 fried eggs and two pieces of crappy white bread at the student canteen. I like the job and it's all still very exciting - but when that wears off - I probably won't think much of the long hours.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I have a place to live

4 September 2010
The last 24 hours have been, well...last night seems like a week ago. I apologise for bad grammar or spelling - it's midnight and I've had a very emotional past 24 hours.

The first house I wanted, was pulled from the market when I said I wanted it. Apparently that happens a lot, especially with one particular housing agency.

Thursday night was my last in the APEC Hotel as my school-paid week was up, and they didn't have any rooms left. Friday morning I stored my bags in another teacher's room as I had to work (plan) for my first class on Monday. I went out house hunting with one of the other teachers straight after work, and didn't get back to the hotel until about 8 PM. The Apec had booked a room for me at the "New Hotel" down a back ally way. I went to have a look before taking my bags there. Just as well I did. It was horrible, grotty, hot, sleazy. They wanted US$35 a night. The room they wanted me to take was on the 4th floor. I have 4 bags; the heaviest weighs about 40 kg with all the new books and dictionaries I've bought this past week.

I was a bit lost for a moment, didn't know what to do. Then I had an idea - I used one of the other teacher's laptops to find a hotel in the tourist area. The Morning Star was cheaper, cleaner, and way, way nicer. They offered me one night there, then this morning they took my bags acoss the road to a sister hotel, The Golden Sun. I was going to stay one night there and then move back to The Morning Star. However I went house hunting with Miss Linh again, and found a place I liked. It's US$400 a month, plus another $50 per month for laundry, cleaning, electricity, internet etc. It has cable TV, internet, a fridge, airconditioning. Only one bedroom and one bathroom though. I haven't even paid any money yet because the bank closed at 11:30 AM.

This afternoon I packed and moved all my belongings yet again for the 3rd time in less than 12 hours.

Linh tells me there are 36 or 37 very old heritage streets in Hanoi and this is one of them. Photos below.

This is the street I now live on: These are the shops around the entrance to my new accommodation.

Along the street are tiny little allies between the shops. This one leads to my "apartment".

I walk down the alley and then go through a locked gate into a little open, but undercover, courtyard with beautiful carved lounge suite for receiving visitors. Then I go up the stairs to the third floor; it's not too bad because the stairs are wide, but there are ceramic jars lining the stairs which worry me.

This is the kitchenette with the entrance doo to the actual unit behind it. The white bits are the open doors on the small fridge.

The sitting area is attached to the kitchen.

Miss Linh sitting on the couch.

Miss Linh using my laptop after it was setup.

TGhe first view of the small bedroom with timber wardrobe and french doors opening onto a small balcony.

The carved bedhead

Outside my room you can go up another set of stairs to the rooftop. There's a lovely breeze up there, and a washing machine and lines. I've asked if a table and chairs can be put there.

Another view from the balcony.

Then I went out to find the little supermarket up the road. I walked past it and found a huge undercover market which was just packing up. After I bought my groceries and returned to my house-ally-gate-entrance-thing, I found the street had been blocked to traffic and a night market was being set up. Wow!!!!

Below are some pics of the lovely hotels I stayed in last night and today. US$30 a night.

The Morning Star

The Golden Sun

Thursday, September 2, 2010

House hunting

I rang two people today, Mr. Thoai and Ms. Linh whose names I got from the internet as having houses and apartments to rent.

One of the other teachers staying at this hotel, came out with me to see the first house with Ms. Linh, down a little ally near the school. It's a one bedroom studio apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, large TV, internet connection and serviced twice a week for US$500 per month. A vietnamese family lived on the lower floors. Hoewever it was on the fifth floor up a tiny winding staircase. It would be a great place to learn the language; but as we were leaving, the people on the third level started up their karaoke machine.

Ms. Linh then took us to look at a house closer to the Old Quarter. It was down a tiny winding ally with lots of twists and turns; very exciting! The bottom floor was all lounge and kitchen. An elaborate winding staircase went up through a total of four floors, and the sunroof on top. There were 6 bedrooms, each with an ensuite, pay tv and airconditioner. On the sunroof: 2 washing machines, and a lovely cool breeze. This one costs US$900 a month. Only 3 bedrooms had balconies, and the balcony on the lower bedroom looked right into the neighbours house, only a metre away. My friend and I considered renting it together, and then our friends and families could come and stay - and anyone who was stuck without accommodation could also stay until they found some.

Mr. Thoai has just sent me a text message, so now Tingay and I will meet him at 4:45 PM,to see a 2 bed, 2 bathroom house for US$500 p.m. near the Catheral in the Old Quarter; and with Ms. Linh again at 6 PM, we'll look at some more houses near school for about US$400 (1 bed) and US$450 (2 bed).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First day at work

Every seemed to sort of meet at breakfast for our fried eggs called omelette. The hotel does have Pho as well.

Then we walked to the university together at about 8:40 AM - some of us got a bit stuck on the side of the road because of the dreadful traffic at that time of the morning.

Nine of us turned up, but another teacher is coming from Ho Chi Minh City next week, and will only stay a short time. I'm still not sure which classes I'll have, but three people will teach only three days a week, and on the other two days they'll be developing special projects with the boss. I'm one of those people (so far) - I'm so glad I did the Masters program; what a great opportunity!!

Some of the future language teaching projects are being funded by Australian Government Departments, such as the one I used to work for. This going to be so interesting.

We have a desk and PC in coralled ares similar to the public service. the set up is fantastic and they have great IT setups for the students. We can create an internal WIKI site just for our class, where only the students from that particular class can log on and post pictures and write about themselves, talk to each other, the teacher can post homework etc. We can even set up an online journal where the student writes whatever, and only the teacher and that student can see it - the teacher can also write comments in the journal.

We even had a lesson on pronouncing students' names. That was very interesting. The boss is looking into arranging a teacher to come in and teach us Vietnamese; we'd all have to chip in to cover the costs.

I also got my mobile phone today.

I've got to try to finds an apartment tomorrow. I think now that I'd like to live in the Old Quarter around Lake Hoan Kiem. That will force me to catch the bus. Several teachers live in that area, and I know one that catches the bus.