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Saturday, September 4, 2010

I have a place to live

4 September 2010
The last 24 hours have been, well...last night seems like a week ago. I apologise for bad grammar or spelling - it's midnight and I've had a very emotional past 24 hours.

The first house I wanted, was pulled from the market when I said I wanted it. Apparently that happens a lot, especially with one particular housing agency.

Thursday night was my last in the APEC Hotel as my school-paid week was up, and they didn't have any rooms left. Friday morning I stored my bags in another teacher's room as I had to work (plan) for my first class on Monday. I went out house hunting with one of the other teachers straight after work, and didn't get back to the hotel until about 8 PM. The Apec had booked a room for me at the "New Hotel" down a back ally way. I went to have a look before taking my bags there. Just as well I did. It was horrible, grotty, hot, sleazy. They wanted US$35 a night. The room they wanted me to take was on the 4th floor. I have 4 bags; the heaviest weighs about 40 kg with all the new books and dictionaries I've bought this past week.

I was a bit lost for a moment, didn't know what to do. Then I had an idea - I used one of the other teacher's laptops to find a hotel in the tourist area. The Morning Star was cheaper, cleaner, and way, way nicer. They offered me one night there, then this morning they took my bags acoss the road to a sister hotel, The Golden Sun. I was going to stay one night there and then move back to The Morning Star. However I went house hunting with Miss Linh again, and found a place I liked. It's US$400 a month, plus another $50 per month for laundry, cleaning, electricity, internet etc. It has cable TV, internet, a fridge, airconditioning. Only one bedroom and one bathroom though. I haven't even paid any money yet because the bank closed at 11:30 AM.

This afternoon I packed and moved all my belongings yet again for the 3rd time in less than 12 hours.

Linh tells me there are 36 or 37 very old heritage streets in Hanoi and this is one of them. Photos below.

This is the street I now live on: These are the shops around the entrance to my new accommodation.

Along the street are tiny little allies between the shops. This one leads to my "apartment".

I walk down the alley and then go through a locked gate into a little open, but undercover, courtyard with beautiful carved lounge suite for receiving visitors. Then I go up the stairs to the third floor; it's not too bad because the stairs are wide, but there are ceramic jars lining the stairs which worry me.

This is the kitchenette with the entrance doo to the actual unit behind it. The white bits are the open doors on the small fridge.

The sitting area is attached to the kitchen.

Miss Linh sitting on the couch.

Miss Linh using my laptop after it was setup.

TGhe first view of the small bedroom with timber wardrobe and french doors opening onto a small balcony.

The carved bedhead

Outside my room you can go up another set of stairs to the rooftop. There's a lovely breeze up there, and a washing machine and lines. I've asked if a table and chairs can be put there.

Another view from the balcony.

Then I went out to find the little supermarket up the road. I walked past it and found a huge undercover market which was just packing up. After I bought my groceries and returned to my house-ally-gate-entrance-thing, I found the street had been blocked to traffic and a night market was being set up. Wow!!!!

Below are some pics of the lovely hotels I stayed in last night and today. US$30 a night.

The Morning Star

The Golden Sun

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