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Monday, September 6, 2010

My first couple of days at work

Sorry guys - I'm exhausted. I'm going to copy emails I sent to a couple people into this blog. You may have noticed I've been supplementing some of my writing with these said emails.

Below: An exhange between me and a young Vietnamese woman who works around the corner in a local hotel. She's studying Tourism at College and promised to meet up with her for coffee she can practice English; she seems like a lovely girl.

Good afternoon Madam,

Have a nice day to you. Have you finished your jobs and comeback.I will fell when You have time to write email or talk with me by telephone. I don't know why I have strong expression with you in the first time when our hotel welcome you from Morning star hotel. however I fell bored because you don't stay our hotel along time for me have a chance to talk you so much. But I also fell happy when you can rent a apartment.

Today, I want to write email with you to share and talk you.I am happy when seeing you in the next time. Any when I & you have free time, Can I meet you to talk?

Nowadays, I am a student. In this time, i know you. That is a good chance for me because when talk with you by speaking English .I will learn so much.

I know that, My English is not good.So you can help me, please

Thank so much

Dear Bac,

I hope you had a good day at work too. You said, in a text message, that you had a problem with a guest at the hotel; I hope that everything is alright now.

I start work at around 7:30 AM and finish at 6:00 PM, but I stay until 8 PM because I usually have extra work to do. It will become easier for me when I have been working there a bit longer. I teach in the aternoon between 1:30 and 6:00 but I have other jobs to do such as preparing for the next class, marking essays, and helping people in the library when they are working on assignments.

I got home tonight at 10 PM and I have very sore feet. I caught the 34 bus from work to go home tonight. It stops at the bottom of Lake Hoan Kiem. But when I got off the bus, I walked in the wrong direction for half an hour befor I realised. So I had to turn around and walk all the way back, and then walk along the lake until I came to Hang Dao. However I saw new shops and places I'd like to visit later on, so it was a learning experience for me.

Maybe we can meet on Saturday or Sunday? If you are busy we can meet the following week.

Best Wishes


What does this mean? I'll have a whinge to anyone that listens - (insert smiley face)

Email to W, E and H - ok yes, another whinge.

I haven't found a large supermarket yet., but the small ones don't sell hair conditioner. I did find some in a very small supermarket up the road; but it gradually turns your hair black. I tried it this morning as I've almost run out of my little mini packs of conditioner I brought with me. I thought the change would be unnoticable, and it probably is, but I can see a slightly different colour - I'll have to be careful. Do you know if they use dangerous stuff in these?

Kids, you'll love it here. I got home at around 7 PM after doing lesson plans at uni all day yesterday; I had to fight my way through the night market to get home. It's a bit like living in the middle of the night market in China Town near Darling Harbour, except this one is much, much bigger, and hundreds more people.

Lova ya all

Thanks W,

Don't worry about sending some - I'll find some when I find the big supermarkets. There's an undercover market down the road which might have some, but I'm not home during sensible daylight hours. Maybe on the weekend. I have a couple of Vietnamese friends - young women who want to practice their English. Maybe I could ask them to go shopping with me. I don't have a towel yet either. Just as well it's hot. I have to be careful not to slip on the shiny tiled floors though.

I shall look for those food shops you mentioned. I'm on a forced diet here at the moment. I don't have time to eat in the morning as I have to be at work by 7:30 AM, so I get something mid morning; then tonight I taught until 6 PM, adn left work at 8 PM (trying to get ready for tomorrow); caught a bus, got off and walked for at least half an hour in the opposite direction before I realised. I got home at 10 PM. But I lknow wher to buy a printer now; and a vesper, and those Chinese celebration cakes.

Email to K in Victoria
Hi K lovely to get your email. First day at work!!! Well, yesterday - Sunday; I spent 8 hours there trying to read up on all the bits of information about what is expected on the program; then today I left home at 7 AM and got to work at 7:45 AM; then didn't leave until 8 PM. I got lost, so I didn't get home until 10 PM. All I've eaten today are 2 fried eggs and two pieces of crappy white bread at the student canteen. I like the job and it's all still very exciting - but when that wears off - I probably won't think much of the long hours.

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